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Advances in Cartography and GIScience of the ICA
Journal topic
Articles | Volume 1
03 Jul 2019
 | 03 Jul 2019

Regioviz: a new visualisation tool dedicated to regional comparisons

Ysebaert Ronan and Guérois Marianne

Keywords: visualisation, tool, comparison, regions, Europe

Abstract. Regioviz is an interactive tool developed by UMS RIATE to easily compare the French regions to the European ones. It answers to a need expressed by the State service in charge of spatial planning and territorial observation in France. This public service wanted to have a dedicated tool, easy to use, for monitoring the effects of the 2016 French regional reform on several structural indicators in a European context. This geovisualisation tool was developed in 2017–2018 and is available at the following URL <>. This paper presents first the story of its creation and the strong relationship linking the end-users and the developers. Then it explains how this tool works (how to set the relative position of a region, how to assess the degree of similarity with the others) and it provides 2 user-oriented scenarios.

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