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Advances in Cartography and GIScience of the ICA
Journal topic
Articles | Volume 4
07 Aug 2023
 | 07 Aug 2023

Brazilian theses and dissertations on School Cartography in the period 2011–2020

Paula Cristiane Strina Juliasz and Luiz Felipe Brito da Silva

Keywords: School Cartography, state of the art, Brazilian Research

Abstract. School Cartography in Brazil has been constituted through the relationship between Cartography, Education and Geography. Thus, learning theories, teaching methods, the curriculum and teacher training are frequently debated in this field. To contribute to this debate, we aim to produce an inventory of the Brazilian production on School Cartography at postgraduate level in the period 2011–2020 through a documentary analysis. The objective is to find how many studies on School Cartography at postgraduate level were conducted and in which institutions, identifying the areas of knowledge in which these studies are inserted and recognize the theoretical-methodological contributions, the themes and segments of Basic Education addressed in the investigations. The delimitation of the documentary corpus will be built by searching the descriptors "School Cartography", "Cartography", "Teaching" and "Education" in the title, in the abstract or in the keywords in the Capes' catalog of theses and dissertations in the period 2011–2020. The inventory regarding the production will be organized according to the categories: a) representation of space; b) teaching methodology; c) technologies and production of cartographic teaching materials; d) teacher training and curriculum.

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